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barndoor skate การใช้

"barndoor skate" แปล  
  • Nobody was trying to eliminate barndoor skates.
  • If the barndoor skate does survive, its days of obscurity may soon be over.
  • There has been no recording of a barndoor skate bycatch in the last 20 years.
  • The barndoor skate is one of the largest skates found in the North Atlantic Ocean.
  • A barndoor skate weighs an average of.
  • The plight of the barndoor skate is evidence that we should be concerned about the latter.
  • Barndoor skates were a common bycatch in the 1950s, being caught in 10 percent of trawls.
  • Unlike other types of skate that are increasingly popular at upscale restaurants, people historically have not eaten barndoor skates.
  • Homely and obscure, barndoor skates never attracted much attention as they cruised the ocean floor off the New England coast.
  • In many ways, the barndoor skate, a relative of the shark, is an innocent bystander in the fishing crisis.
  • Barndoor skates have not been seen in 20 years in some places, while numbers had been reduced by 99 percent in others.
  • On Georges Bank, the barndoor skate appears to be making a comeback, possibly in response to current fishing restrictions and closures.
  • After peaking in the 1950s, the population of the barndoor skate dramatically declined in the 1960s and early 1970s as a result of overfishing.
  • The dusky shark, barndoor skate, bocaccio, shortspine thornyhead and Warsaw grouper may not be well known but they are at risk of vanishing altogether.
  • The drastic decline of the barndoor skate says we need refuges in the sea where wildlife can live, grow and reproduce . . . without being killed off.
  • "What's required now is a very careful and very deliberate evaluation of the data that we have on the barndoor skate, " said Serchuk.
  • The drastic decline of the barndoor skate says we need refuges in the sea where wildlife can live, grow, and reproduce . . . without being killed off.
  • But now the barndoor skate could earn the dubious distinction of becoming the first saltwater fish that humans have driven to extinction in modern times, an international group of biologists warn.
  • Bottom trawling has been widely implicated in the population collapse of a variety of fish species, locally and worldwide, including orange roughy, barndoor skate, shark, and many others.
  • The "'barndoor skate "', " Dipturus laevis ", is a species of carnivorous, feeding on invertebrates and other fish found near the sea floor.
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